30 days before a heart attack, the body warns you with 6 symptoms

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30 days before a heart attack, the body warns you with 6 symptoms

30 days before a heart attack, the body warns you with 6 symptoms
In France, approximately 30% of deaths would be attributed to cardiovascular diseases. Obesity, hypertension, cholesterol ... risk factors are many and can unfortunately lead to sudden and sudden heart attacks. To optimize prevention against these risks, it is essential to be aware of certain symptoms.
Infarction, or heart attack, occurs when no more blood is available to the heart muscle. As a result, the muscle cells present in this part start to run out of oxygen, leading to damage to the myocardium. In fact, the first symptoms would begin to appear 4 weeks before cardiac arrest, says Dr. Eloi Marijon au Figaro. According to this cardiologist specializing in rhythm disorders, recognizing the warning signs would be crucial to avoid irreversible consequences and could increase the chances of survival of the individual concerned by 6.

Cardiac arrest: the causes
Although in 50% of cases, the origin of the risk of heart attack remains unknown, some people are more likely to contract cardiovascular diseases, especially if they suffer from obesity, hypercholesterolemia or diabetes.

Added to this are poor eating habits and unhealthy lifestyle that increase the risk of infarction, ie unbalanced diet, increased stress, consumption of tobacco and alcohol or sedentary lifestyle.

These 6 signs of cardiac arrest that need attention

Recognizing the approach to a heart attack and preventing it is possible by detecting these symptoms. Whether strong or mild, pain can be alarming and help protect you. Here are 6 common signs of heart attack:

1. Breathing difficulties: This symptom results in difficulty breathing and more intense shortness of breath.

2. Continuous chest pain: A heart attack can be caused by a feeling of tightness around the chest. Stirring and sweating may also follow.

3. Pain in the upper body: an infarction can cause neck, left shoulder, back and jaw pain.

4.For fatigue: a heart whose state deteriorates considerably increases the exhaustion of the person as well as his usual energy.

5. Cold sweats: A heart attack can be detected if the person begins to faint and has cold sweats.

6. Nausea, vomiting, or dizziness: Disturbed blood circulation causes a decrease in oxygen in the blood and therefore leads to these symptoms.

Reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease

It is important to know that 8 out of 10 heart attacks can be prevented if we adopt some preventive habits in this direction. In addition to regularly checking the state of your heart, here are other indications to consider:

Have a regular physical activity: moving allows the body to keep moving and the heart to keep a good pace of activity.

Avoid smoking: the famous "smoking kills" makes sense. Stopping smoking or absorbing smoke would reduce the risk of myocardial infarction.

Adopt a good diet: Foods rich in sugar, salt and fat should be avoided if you want to maintain good health. Choose fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains.

When in doubt about your condition, contact your doctor.

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