6 remedies to prepare tonight to eliminate bloating, gas and lose weight

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6 remedies to prepare tonight to eliminate bloating, gas and lose weight
6 remedies to prepare tonight to eliminate bloating, gas and lose weight
Many of you suffer from bloating after a meal. It's important to know that your digestive system is complex in design, and uses multiple organs and enzymes to complete the digestion and food absorption process. In addition, the latter participates in the elimination of waste from food. But it is possible that because of a bad lifestyle, this system however well arranged, is subject to some dysfunctions. Here are six remedies for you to get rid of.
Bloating can be a manageable condition for some, but in the case of gas accumulation, it can be annoying, uncomfortable and sometimes painful. Indeed, they cause a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen. Here are the main reasons behind it:
· Indigestion: It occurs after excessive consumption of food and alcohol. But sometimes it can also be caused by medication that irritates the stomach.

· Gas build-up: This is the most common reason for bloating, caused by eating certain foods like cabbage and soft drinks. Other reasons also exist, when you eat quickly or chew gum, there is an accumulation of gas resulting from the air you suck.

· Infections: They are caused by bacteria or viruses, and cause other symptoms in addition to the accumulation of gas, such as diarrhea and vomiting. If the symptoms do not disappear after a few days, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

· Water retention: Excessive consumption of salty foods, food intolerances in addition to hormonal changes make the body retain more fluid than normal. Chronic bloating due to fluid retention may also be a sign of more serious disorders, such as diabetes and kidney failure.

· Constipation: Another common cause of bloating is the result of dehydration, fiber deficiency or food intolerance.

Whatever the reason behind your bloating, here are 6 natural and easy tips to get rid of:

Avoid eating fried foods
Flatulence and abdominal fullness are caused by fatty and fried foods. It's true that fried foods can be tasty, but before you throw in, think about those poorly digested fats that will cause you that uncomfortable feeling after your meal. It is better to prefer a baking that keeps as many flavors.

Avoid soft drinks
remedies to prepare tonight to eliminate bloating

Soft drinks can be enjoyable served fresh in summer, but they are also among the first factors that trigger bloating. They promote the accumulation of gas in the stomach.

Take care of your digestive enzymes
Digestive enzymes are part of your intestinal flora and promote good digestion of food. Remember to include sprouted seeds, oats and mainly egg yolk in your diet. Vitamin B7 is included to prevent bloating. Another tip would be to drink lemon water. Made from lemon, it will be invaluable for your digestion problems. Lemon is rich in fiber, especially pectin. It is a soluble fiber that promotes the proper functioning of your intestinal flora, assures you a better assimilation of nutrients and engenders the metabolism of lipids in addition to encouraging the synthesis of intestinal hormones necessary to maintain the state of your digestive organs . A glass of lemon water before your meal will help you to be less bloated afterwards.

A fennel infusion
Your grandmother must have advised you at least once. Fennel will help you improve your digestion. It is better to prepare your herbal tea with fennel seeds than to buy them as pods in supermarkets. To do this, simply grind your seeds with a mortar or coffee grinder, add boiling water and let it steep for 5 minutes.
Eat fruits
Fruits are an important source of fiber, and can be used as pre-biotic foods to improve the functioning of your intestinal flora. This will promote your digestive function, thus avoiding you to be bloated.

remedies to prepare tonight to eliminate bloating

Avoid carbohydrate consumption

Carbohydrates will tend to ferment more easily in your stomach.

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Losing weight

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