It's proven: the size of your fingers reveals your behavior and your personality
Our behavior is a combination of reflexes, actions and behaviors that allow us to face different situations throughout our lives. Like our fingerprints, our fingers are unique. That said, they can indicate who you are. Also, researchers at McGill University give us an idea of our potential behavior against the opposite sex (including the behavior of men against women) through the length of the fingers. But who would have thought that the key to determining your personality was literally in your hands! Discover who you are thanks to the size of your fingers.The size of the fingers varies from one person to another depending on their bone development. As one study explains, the length of these is strongly related to the hormones to which the fetus has been exposed in the womb of his mother. Indeed, exposure to high levels of estrogen positively affects bone density. While prenatal testosterone levels can affect bone development, later in life.
Other more subjective explanations about the length of the fingers also reflect the personality.
So here is what the size of your ring finger and your index, reflects on you
At first, start by identifying the shape of your fingers. According to the 3 different possibilities, you will be surprised to discover who you are.
1- Your ring finger is longer than your index finger
If your ring finger is longer than your index finger, you have an easy way to communicate with those around you. You know how to convey the information, thanks to your structured ideas, and your talent in storytelling, we could listen to you for hours. Attracting and keeping others' attention are not difficult tasks for you.
Physically attractive, you will please others and do not go unnoticed in public places. Very independent, you know what you want. But if you do not reach your goals, you are aggressive and angry with others. You are often an extrovert. In addition, passionate about music, your fingers make you more skilled at playing a musical instrument.
2- Your index is slightly longer
Naturally calm and serene, you have a leadership spirit, the organization is your strong point. Aesthetically, your hand seems finer and feminine. You have a lot of confidence in yourself and do not doubt in any way about your ability to achieve your goals. Ambitious and hardworking, you continue to excel every day in meeting new challenges. However, your mood does not vary much throughout the day, it is rather constant and your way of communicating is not very spontaneous. Finally, you care about the feelings of others and think before you announce things.
3- If both have the same length
This form makes you wise and balanced beings. Very caring, you have a big heart and are not resentful.
Your presence is essential in your environment. Whether for your family or your friends, you are the fundamental element that creates the harmony of the group. You make sure that they stay in peace and unity. Besides, you are a reliable person and know how to keep secrets, without forgetting that your advice is very useful. In addition, you promote the well being of others to yours. Very faithful and honest, you commit body and soul as much in your work as in your relationships.
However, it is not just the length of your index and ring finger that can reveal things about you. Your little finger also has things to reveal.
Indeed, the longer this little finger is, the more likely you are to be honest and sincere. You will have a tendency to have your heart on your hand. In the opposite case, if it is small and short, it is possible that you are more reserved and shy.
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