Honey and hoarseness Hoarseness is an abnormal change in the quality of the sound that makes it rough, tense, tired or out of breath. It is often difficult to talk to a hoarse person, and this is usually the case. When there is a problem with the vocal cords in the larynx through which the sound is produced, it should be mentioned that the vocal cords separate when the person breathes and when the sound is released, they gather and vibrate when they come out of the lung, which changes the vibration or the closing of the vocal cords and leads to hoarseness in the voice. And should consult a If the person has a hoarse voice for more than three weeks, especially if she does not have colds or flu, if the cough is accompanied by blood or if she has trouble swallowing, bumps or neck bumps or pains when speaking Ingestion, difficulty breathing or loss of sound for more than a few days. It should be noted that honey is used in the treatment of many conditions such as cough, diabetes, asthma, diarrhea, various ulcers and in the treatment of wounds after the removal of tonsils, honey bees produce honey. from the nectar of plants. It should be noted that it is not safe for infants and very young children and is therefore not used in children under 12 months due to their risk of botulism, but that honey must be also be avoided in people who are allergic to it. H. pills
Treatment of hoarseness with honey
Honey is one of the oldest known medicines in the world. It has strong antibacterial and healing properties, making it a natural remedy for many common health problems. It has been known since ancient times, where it was the most used medicine in ancient Egypt. There is enough information on the treatment of acne, but the following points illustrate the potential role of honey in the treatment of acne.
Have a throat lozenge effect that helps moisturize the throat, relieve pain and reduce cough, which is available in a form containing honey.
Nutritional value of honey
Honey is a sweet substance made by bees using the nectar of flowers. Composed of more than 80% carbohydrates, it is a food rich in energy and relatively pure. In fact, there are mainly two sugars: fructose and glucose, two simple sugars that require no digestion before absorption and are easily and directly assimilated by the body.
Characteristics of honey:
Rich in calories
Rich in carbohydrates;
Source of potassium;
Prebiotic effect;
Rich in antioxidants.
Hoarseness: having a hoarse voice, why?
Several situations can lead to hoarseness of the voice. Most often, it is the consequence of a viral or bacterial infection, which causes acute laryngitis (or angina) or infection of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis for example). Other symptoms are usually present: sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever ...
Hoarseness can also be caused by vocal overwork, that is to say, an excessive strain of the voice which causes benign lesions (nodules) of the vocal cords. Shouting, screaming, singing too loudly in a concert, for example, can have the same effect. Occupations that require significant use of the voice (singers, politicians, speakers, teachers, lawyers ...) are associated with an increased risk of hoarseness and even extinction of total voice.
Intubation (for example, for a surgical operation) can also alter the voice for a few days.
Home remedies for hoarseness
Laryngitis can be acute, short-term or chronic, long-term. Continuous hoarseness can sometimes indicate a more serious health problem. Some self-maintenance techniques may reduce sound pressure: [9] Humid air breathing: The humidifier can be used to keep humid air at home. Or at the office, and the steam can be inhaled from the bowl of water or hot shower. Rest as much as possible: avoid singing too loud or too long, or talking. Drink lots of fluids: to avoid dehydration, avoid drinking caffeine. Moisturize the throat: gargle with salt water, suck throat tablets or chew gum. Stop drinking alcohol and smoking: they dry the throat and irritate the vocal cords. Avoid cleaning your throat: this can irritate the vocal cords. Avoid taking decongestants: they can cause dryness of the throat. Avoid beeps: they exert more pressure on the sound than normal words.
The benefits of drinking honey on an empty stomach
Honey is effective in treating ulcers and scarring, as well as in relieving pain when taking one to two teaspoons of honey in the morning on an empty stomach, but it should be noted that utility studies fasting are rare and consist mainly of recipes at home [2]. Health benefits of honey in general: [3] [4] Contains a large amount of antioxidants: High quality honey contains many important antioxidants such as organic acids and phenolic compounds; examples of one of these compounds are called flavonoids (in English: Flavonoids), it should be noted that oxidation is associated with a reduced risk of heart attack, stroke and certain cancers, and may contribute to the health of the eyes. Helps lower blood pressure: Antioxidants in honey are associated with low blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. Studies in mice and humans have shown a slight drop in blood pressure when they consume honey. Helps improve blood cholesterol: It reduces harmful cholesterol and increases beneficial cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. It helps to lower triglyceride levels: high blood lipid levels are a cause of heart disease and are associated with insulin resistance, the leading cause of type 2 diabetes. Eating honey helps reduce rates triglycerides, especially when used as a substitute for sugar. In a study comparing honey and sugar, it was noted that the group that consumed honey had reduced their triglyceride levels from 11% to 19%.
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