The complete guide to astrological signs: dates and meanings

Knowing a person's astrological sign means knowing their character traits, flaws, qualities and fears. In order to determine if you are a Sagittarius
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 The complete guide to astrological signs: dates and meanings

The complete guide to astrological signs: dates and meanings

Knowing a person's astrological sign means knowing their character traits, flaws, qualities and fears. In order to determine if you are a Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius or Scorpio, you need to know where the Sun, Moon and other planets are at the time of your birth. Do you want to know more? This comprehensive guide to astrology and zodiac signs will help you find the answer to your questions.

Important dates for astrological signs

You probably know: there are twelve astrological signs and twelve different periods to recognize them.

Aries ♈️: March 21 – April 19
Taurus ♉️: April 20 – May 20
Gemini ♊️: May 21 – June 20
Cancer ♋️: June 21 – July 22
Leo ♌️: July 23 – August 22
Virgo ♍️: August 23 – September 22
Libra ♎️: September 23 – October 22
Scorpio ♏️: October 23 – November 21
Sagittarius ♐️: November 22 – December 21
Capricorn ♑️: December 22 – January 19
Aquarius ♒️: January 20 – February 18
Pisces ♓️: February 19 – March 20

Don't get the wrong sign if you were born in a cusp, that is to say on the border between two signs of the zodiac! To find your astrological sign, ask your mother the exact time of your birth.

The four astrological elements

Each astrological sign has an element (Fire, Water, Earth or Air) which affects its temperament. Did you know that your actions, your relationships and your personality are influenced by these elements? Keep reading!

Le feu du bélier de la sagittaire

Le Lion

La flamme est un symbole de joie, d'excitation et d'enthousiasme. Les signes de Feu n'hésitent pas à montrer leur côté sexy et passionné. Ils sont pleins d'énergie et n'hésitent pas à foncer, parfois par instinct! Cependant, ils continueront à être de bonne volonté et chaleureux!

Water Scorpion Fish

The cancer

It is the strongest element of the zodiac! Why is it? The common denominator of all water signs is emotional depth. There is certainly an element of mystery surrounding them. However, they are also famous for their great sensitivity and patience!

The sky

The balance



Oh, the astrological sign thinkers! They have a great capacity for thinking, speaking and even writing. They can always make time for others despite their dreamy mind. When it comes to passing on their know-how and knowledge, they have a sense of sharing. They are intelligent and not afraid to make their wildest dreams come true! They will study all angles before charting their path to success.

Are they as gentle as a lamb? Yes, but they also have horns! These are the Earth signs! These natives who have the greatest resistance in the face of trials. Although they are welcoming and calm in all circumstances, they remain cautious and strategic. They are also known for their ability to generate profit. Overall, their company is pleasant. They will transmit positive energies to you every day!

The quadruplicities or modes of the zodiac
Did you know ? The signs of the zodiac belong to elements but also to three different sectors called “quadruplicities”. These modes highlight qualities, defects and characteristics found in each group of signs.

The cardinal signs
Aries (Fire)
Cancer (Water)
Libra (Air)
Capricorn (Earth)
You will recognize them as these great thinkers of the zodiac. Cardinals are cerebral and have a sense of analysis and synthesis. But they think…too much! And they are not the best at maintaining a constant rhythm in their personal and professional lives.

Mutable signs
Gemini (air)
Virgo (earth)
Sagittarius (fire)
Fish (water)
Do you have a sense of adaptation and you are not afraid of change? You are undoubtedly part of this list of “mutable” signs. The only negative point you may have: you use the word “tasteless” far too often!

Fixed signs
Taurus (earth),
Lion (fire)
Scorpio (water)
Aquarius (air)
Have you often been told that you are “stubborn as a mule”? So, your obstinacy and stubbornness have placed you in the category of “the least appreciated of the zodiac”. You are therefore a fixed sign that does as it pleases!

The twelve signs of the zodiac in astrology

Did you know ? The “zodiac” which comes from the Greek “zōidiakos” is made up of twelve astrological signs, represented in the “animal wheel”. This belt-shaped area of the sky is observed on the ecliptic (trajectory of the Sun on the celestial vault). It is made up of several constellations, a group of stars that seem close to each other.

The northern constellation: Located in the eastern celestial hemisphere, it is made up of the following signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Pisces.
The southern constellation: Located in the west. It is made up of the signs: Capricorn, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius.
According to astrology, each zodiac sign has its own personality traits. Get ready to discover them up close!

Caution :

Astrology is a “pseudo” science based on the interpretation of the stars, the Moon, the Sun and the planets. She only hypothesizes about the influence of these celestial bodies on individuals...

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